quality control
Written by Jake Brady

5 Ways Your Builder Manages Quality Control Through The Building Process

While incredibly exciting, building your dream home can be an overwhelming experience. And, if it’s your first time, you may be asking yourself questions like what the process will look like, when to add input, and how your builder ensures high quality is achieved across the board. In this blog, we’ll share with you five ways your builder will navigate quality control, so you can have a better idea of what to expect.

First, let’s define quality control. When we say ‘quality control’, we’re referring to meeting the expectations that have been outlined in your building contract and in the regulations that impact your build. It’s simply the processes and procedures your builder utilises to ensure the design needs are met, that the budget is adhered to, that best practice is utilised at all stages of the build, and regulations are followed.

Now that you have a better idea of what quality control is, let’s dive into some of the ways your builder will manage it.


Putting together a thorough plan ensures your build will progress as smoothly as possible. From pre-build requirements such as permits and approvals, to budgeting, through to timeframes, a solid plan allows you and your builder to track the progress across every aspect of your build.

Communication with the architect

Liaising with the architect is crucial to ensuring the approved house plans and designs are fulfilled. A preliminary conversation around the design is a great starting point for your builder and architect to identify and mitigate any issues from arising during the building stage. And your builder should supplement this with any calls, appointments, or on-site checks with your architect should any other practical issues come into play. That way, your vision can be championed.

Open communication

Arguably the most important of the five, open communication is critical to quality control. From the beginning of the build, they should be sharing their targets with you and the architect, and their plan to achieve them. They should be transparent about the process, and keep you up-to-date each step of the way. Some builders choose to do this with regular phone calls or meetings, while others may have a streamlined client portal on their website that notifies you in real-time as your project proceeds.

Regular on-site visits

Your builder should conduct regular site visits, especially when subcontractors are involved. They should operate as a site lead, ensuring everything is running smoothly, and giving direction when necessary. This avoids discrepancies only being noticed in the later building stages, where it may be too late or costly to amend.


Everyone operates differently, so it’s likely your builder has their procedures or processes in place to manage quality control. If they haven’t shared any with you, it’s a great rule of thumb to ask them and find out how they deal with things, from safety checks to test and audits.

At Smartbuild South Coast, having a strong relationship with our clients is one of our top values. That means digging deep to understand your vision, making the process as streamlined and easy for you as possible, and always being transparent and open with how the build is going. This allows you to be actively involved in the process and feel confident that your dream home is in good hands.

If you’re looking to start building your dream home, contact our expert team today.